Gene Rodenberry, criador e produtor de ST disse por ocasião da produção da série animada: "Sempre quisemos ter mais alienígenas (na série clássica), mas há poucos deles no sindicato dos atores."
A atriz Marina Sirtis, que atuou como a conselheira betazoide Deanna Troi em A Nova Geração, contou em entrevista que durante uma das Star Trek Cons, uma participante lhe perguntou quando a série apresentaria personagens não-humanos. Foi uma pergunta crítica ao fato de as séries da franquia sempre apresentarem personagens alienígenas de aparência humana. Sem se abalar, a atriz retrucou - com o mesmo sarcasmo - que seria no dia em que houvessem atores e atrizes não-humanos.
Vários seres, especialmente em TOS onde o orçamento era sempre apertado, utilizavam maquiagem, vestimentas, acessórios, cortes de cabelo ou perucas estapafúrdias - ou tudo isso junto - para desidentificar ao máximo e sem custo adicional os personagens alienígenas com os traços fisionômicos terranos típicos. Maquiagens, roupagens e perucas são sempre muito mais baratos que contratar empresas de efeitos especiais, pelo menos naquela década.
Fiz a listagem abaixo para me certificar da quantidade de seres alienígenas com feições tipicamente humanas. As listagens das primeiras franquias são realmente extensas. As demais já aproveitaram os orçamentos de produções mais polpudas.

Gene Roddenberry, creator and producer of ST, while in work for the Animated ST, said: "We've always wanted to have more aliens (in TOS), but there are a few in the actors' union."
Actress Marina Sirtis, the Betazoid counselor Deanna Troi in ST-The Next Generation, told once that, in one of the Star Trek Cons, a visitor asked her when would the series present non-human aliens. It was a complaint about the series only picturing human-like aliens. Without hesitation, Marina replied with the same sarcasm that it would be the day there were non-human actors to fill in those parts.
Several beings, especially in the tight-budgeted Old Series, used makeup, weird attires, accessories, haircuts, and wigs of all kinds - sometimes all this together - to disidentify the alien personages from the typical human features. See below the list of these alien-human-like characters in the series.
I made the lists below to check the number of typical "human-aliens", or alien-humans?, anyway, TOS and TNG beat the other franchises. The following series took advantage of bulky productions.
Gene Roddenberry, creator and producer of ST, while in work for the Animated ST, said: "We've always wanted to have more aliens (in TOS), but there are a few in the actors' union."
Actress Marina Sirtis, the Betazoid counselor Deanna Troi in ST-The Next Generation, told once that, in one of the Star Trek Cons, a visitor asked her when would the series present non-human aliens. It was a complaint about the series only picturing human-like aliens. Without hesitation, Marina replied with the same sarcasm that it would be the day there were non-human actors to fill in those parts.
Several beings, especially in the tight-budgeted Old Series, used makeup, weird attires, accessories, haircuts, and wigs of all kinds - sometimes all this together - to disidentify the alien personages from the typical human features. See below the list of these alien-human-like characters in the series.
I made the lists below to check the number of typical "human-aliens", or alien-humans?, anyway, TOS and TNG beat the other franchises. The following series took advantage of bulky productions.
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